Ahhh - feel the love. Late Feburary 2010 I helped out on the Permaculture Melbourne stall at the sustainable living festival. There was some great talks. I had a good chat to David Holmgren, Permaculture co-originator. He argues we're going to need all our back yards for urban agriculture, and we may regret Gov policies to build multi-level residential. Especially as half our houses are empty at any one time. I guess I agree to an extent, but Melbourne is also one of the worlds lowest density most sprawling cities. He's got a new booklet on peak oil and climate change, online at: www.futurescenarios.org/. A very thought stimulating read.
Frank Fisher hosted a good workshop on how we have the power to think as groups. Apparently there are some 750,000 NGO's in Australia alone, who'd have more impact together (this must include every gathering of more than one person).
I did a wee presentation with Mal on Permaculture.