Saturday, July 21, 2012

Spin Farming and How to make a wick bed

While I was in Bali all the other permi's were raving about Spin Farming. It is a method, or business plan, to be a profitable farmer in urban areas.  So on return I've rejigged my front garden beds along Spin lines.  700mm wide beds, as long as the land allows, with 200mm wide footways.

This is the final bed layout

Now with YouTube

I also made a new wick bed in the back for regularly used vegies and herbs.  I got the bricks off Freecycle and the redgum fence posts off the nature strip.

Watch this video for details how to make wick beds and their benefits.  It also shows how to make sand from soil

Here it is as a cold frame

Bought myself a new tool treat as well - a chain saw blade sharpener. This will help keep the wood fire going.