Friday, March 19, 2010

Autumn Working Bee (& solar electricity)

Here's the vegi patch is a little over a month later on 26/4, than below

Many thanks to Ali, Bev and Martha who joined me, Marg, Ben and Lucy to fix up garden beds and plant seedlings on 14/3/10. We also relocated a pond and it's ready and waiting for frog spawn.

We planted lots of lettuce, brocolli, carrots and corriander. I planted the seeds into polystyrene grocers boxes a month before.

Here's Marg filling the new pond with tank water pumped from the rear garden

The next day, I had a 1.5kw solar panel system installed, having paid for them back in November. Unfortunatley, they put 6 of the 8 panels on the South side of the house! And they broke lots of roof tiles. That'll teach me not to head off to work and leave them to it. I got the installer back to at least put three of the six on the north side.

A lovely array, but facing south!

(Postscript - I did finally get the contractor back to put the panels on the north. Now I'm having the battle to get the smart meter and payments for excess electricity generated).

1 comment:

  1. wow! the vegie patch looks amazing!! & so quickly!

    glad to have helped out... and many thanks for your wonderful hospitality and helping me learn more about permaculture on the day. :)

    can't believe about the solar panels...:O , you would think that they would know better than to put most of them on the south side!

