Well it's been a while, but I haven't forgotten my permaculture, despite it being a cold wet winter. Today (29/8/2010) I planted a persimmon and peach tree, bought at the Bentleigh Market. The roots of both were fairly pot-bound, so I worked the root ball hard to pull them apart and spread them in the hole.

The Persimmon likes to be kept moist, so I've dug a moat, 1.5m dia 500 deep, with a poly pipe with lots of holes drilled in it. The moat is lined with paper on the bottom and outside edge and filled with compost. The heaped up soil in the centre also back filled the moat and the tree has been planted in the centre. The damp moat will draw the roots out and down. Thanks to Dan for demonstrating this method at a blitz in Waverley.

Pruned a neighbours lemon trees - with a chain saw. It may be a couple of years before it fruits again, but from then on I'll have an endless supply - saving me growing my own tree. It was riddled with gall-wasp desease. The neighbour was happy.

[Postscript - this is how the tree looks a few months later on 20/1/2011. Shows citrus trees don't mind being butchered.]

Built up a garden bed in the back - with a geotextile barrier at the bottom to stop adjacent trees roots invading the space.

I've even dug over half the back lawn, and sowed peas and oats as a green manure. It will be interesting to see how it goes, or if all the birds get their first.
What else? I've been getting heaps of broccoli out of the front garden, since the working bee in autumn. I've moved the chooks into the front yard (No more chook shit on the back step. Yipee!) and light pruning of fruit trees. It's time to start planning for spring. Next job is to get the tomato seedlings going. Here's a home video tour of the plot - I must have too much time. So what have you been upto this winter?
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